Revolting recipe

This is my procedural writing for a unpleasant, revolting recipe.


Sunny Side Down


If you’re feeling down, then try this recipe! It may not sound appetising at first, but this “amazing” egg method will satisfy people with different tastes… Maybe that person is YOU!



  • 3 fertilised eggs with developing embryos 
  • 15 millilitres of canola oil reused 5 times with scraps and fragments



  • A rusty pan with the rust chipping away
  • A normal spatula



  1. Firstly, turn the stove to the highest level it can go. Let the pan heat for 3 minutes. 


  1. Then put the canola oil in. The more scraps the better. 


  1. Crack the 3 eggs and make sure you can see the embryos and their veins. They are delicate, do not break them. 


  1. As soon as the eggs are in the pan, turn them once and leave the pan until the yolk is pitch-black. (Presumably after 25 minutes.) The egg whites should be golden brown and include the fragments from the oil. 


  1. When the egg is ready, put onto a plate and crack open the yolk to see the crunchy embryo inside. Then serve. Chew and let it melt in your mouth.


Seasonings and toppings: The scraps from the oil are enough, but you can put some classic peppercorn, or unhealthy and mouldy herb leaves for a bizarre and special taste. Curdled milk is also an excellent choice if you don’t like seeing a burnt embryo. 

Myanmar country writing

The sun is up, a land filled with trees

I close my eyes to reminiscence about my house 

over the river

Gigantic golden towers glisten in glory 

An elegant attire and a regal dance can tell a story


An abundance of rubies and other valuable gems

Busy villages with cycles zooming past

In the sparking temple we pass our offerings and robes

In sacred structures wrapped in yellow and red 


But with peace comes conquering and war

States turn against each other, 

the smell of gunpowder and ash

Stripped of resources and land

Through the forests and bushes people escape


On the top with India and China and on the tip of the tail next to Thailand

I open my eyes for the freedom of Myanmar