Category: Hanga | Create


Pentominos are funky little shapes consisting of 5 joined squares that cannot connect by corners. There are 12 possible combos to make an actual pentomino. Making squares and rectangles is possible with a certain amount of pentominos.

3×5 pentomino

4×5 pentomino

Square with 4 corners missing

Understanding Cartesian plane.

We were learning about the cartesian plane and reflecting. Certain ‘people’ were at certain coordinates and the cartesian plane uses x and y axis. Reflecting is making one of the axis a mirror line so you switch the coordinate of the thing around. In other words, not changing the direction of the object but on the other side of the mirror line. Zoom in to see

More Matariki Writing

Here is another piece of Matariki writing. It follows a certain structure with the words with ‘Have you ever (random sense) (random thing)? Sure you have.’ and ‘Remember that time when_____’.

Have you ever seen Matariki? Sure you have. 


Can you remember the big blue ocean that you stare across the vast horizon? The people splashing around in the shallow waters? The tide and waves rushing at you? The sea sparkling with the night sky? And the tiny crab you found at the beach?

That was Waitā.