Tag: Maths

IXL- Missing Angle

This IXL math is found in Year 8, U.7. It is about a missing angle in triangles and quadrilaterals (4 sided shapes). To figure out the missing angle you add all the current angles together. Example- 66+142+43=251. The sum of all the angle numbers must be 360 degrees. That only applies to a quadrilateral. For a triangle, the sum must be 180 degrees. Then you subtract the sum of all the current numbers by 360 or 180, depending on the shape. Example- 360-251-109.

Symmetry and Transformations


For this week we are learning about transformations and rotational symmetry. The three basic transformations are rotation, reflection and translation. The first image is about rotation, which is turning a shape but still staying in the same place. The second image is about rotational symmetry and the rotation you need to turn the shape for it to look the same. These two pictures are from IXL but they show what I am learning about.

Understanding Cartesian plane.

We were learning about the cartesian plane and reflecting. Certain ‘people’ were at certain coordinates and the cartesian plane uses x and y axis. Reflecting is making one of the axis a mirror line so you switch the coordinate of the thing around. In other words, not changing the direction of the object but on the other side of the mirror line. Zoom in to see

The Mad Computer 3

This is my 100th post!  The 100th post deserves all the tags. This is “The Mad Computer 3”. You can’t see everything on slideshow so you can click the three dots and click: Open in editor. Here is the link for part two:https://gtsphyusink.edublogs.org/2022/11/17/the-mad-computer-2/

Place Value project

Task Description: This is about place value and identifying the ones, tens, hundreds, and so on in each number.

Place Value Strategy Maths- W9 and 10

Task Description: We are learning to add numbers using place value.

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