Why we should wear school uniforms/why we shouldn’t wear mufti

Why should we wear uniforms? Why shouldn’t we wear mufti? What does mufti even mean? The word ‘mufti’ is an Arabic term, but is slang for ‘non uniform’, or civilian clothing. Children should still wear school uniforms instead of wearing something different. Here are the reasons why.


School uniforms protect us from bullying. Wearing clothes with elements like  cartoon characters or quotes (because they didn’t have anything else) could make people get bullied more, so they worry about what they will wear the next day. Some argue that uniforms are expensive, but it’s even more expensive to ask your parents to go to the clothing store to keep up with the trends, which is peer pressure and for some families, a financial burden. 


The uniforms show where a student goes to, and gives a sense of belonging, belonging to their school. At school, you should focus on your learning, not your clothes. Wearing a uniform brings safety, as if someone not from your school comes on site, they are distinguished from the crowd as a visitor or an outsider. Children wearing uniforms can easily be spotted, as their emblem or logo is most likely on it. 


In the future, when students get jobs, they may be in a situation where they have to wear uniforms, like doctors, baristas, construction workers, like many jobs have to. Formal interviews also expect a uniform being worn, just like in school. Uniforms are present in many things, so it prepares you for the future that you want to put yourself in. 


Even though wearing a uniform may restrain creativity and personality, there are always positives to wearing a simple piece of clothing that is worn by everyone else in the school or job someone goes to. 

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